The Testing Center can proctor exams for courses at other schools. However, please follow these steps:

  • Make an appointment in advance (contact info below)
  • Present your photo ID when you come in.
  • Agree to follow the guidelines of the Testing Center.
  • Arrange with your current college to allow the 威尼斯人娱乐城 Testing Center to proctor your exam.
  • Test Materials must be sent directly to 威尼斯人娱乐城's Testing Center. We will return the materials after you have taken the test.
  • Testing is stopped 15 minutes before the Testing Center is scheduled to close.
  • Cost is $15 per exam. Please pay the fee at Student Services and bring the receipt to the Testing Center when you come in to take the test.
  • Students who are enrolled at EOU, BMCC and WGU are exempt.
  • If you are unable to make your appointment, please let us know in advance to cancel and/or reschedule.

Contact Information:

Main Campus Testing Center
650 College Blvd., Ontario, Oregon 97914
Phone: 541-881-5799
Fax: 541-881-5799
Caldwell Center Testing Center
205 S 6th Ave., Caldwell Idaho 83607
Phone: 208-455-6835
Fax: 208-455-6822